INTERNAL: Received before?

Personal information

Phone number
Email (optional)

Species preference*

*Selecting a species type does NOT guarantee you will receive it.

Have you received donated meat from the DWR before?

Approximately how long ago?*

Disclosures and personal responsibility

Will you be able to answer a phone call from the DWR at any time of the day or night about collecting donated meat?*
Do you understand that the donated meat you may receive is unprocessed, meaning you will have to cut and trim the meat before you can consume it?*
Are you willing to collect the meat from a DWR regional office or other location?*
DWR employees and immediate family members of DWR employees are not allowed to accept game meat donations from the Division. Are you a DWR employee or an immediate family member of a DWR employee?*

Please note: Only one applicant is allowed per household. Applicants will be removed from the list once they receive a donation, and they may reapply to the program after one year.